Thursday, December 24, 2009

Our house...

Things are really moving along!

The front

The back.
The north side.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Most recent picture...

The rain is slowing things down a bit, but here's what the house looked like on Friday.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Our New House

We realize that most of our out of town friends don't even know that we are building a new house. So, here's a recap of what's been going on so far...We purchased a 1.13 acre lot in Sutter in August. It had lots of junk and some old almond trees on it.
We cleaned it up, cleared it out and left some of the almond trees.
Built a pad...
Poured some concrete...
Built a raised foundation...

Built some walls...

And in between, we've been making LOTS of decisions! We plan to move into our new house in March. We are all very excited and can't wait! We'll post more pictures as things progress...