Grandma came over on Saturday and we baked cookies ALL day! Sydney really enjoyed helping...she unwrapped lots of Hershey's Kisses (and only ate one!).

Sydney wore her "special" apron.

After dinner, Sydney got to pick out a cookie. She chose a snowman, first picking out his eyes and then licking all the frosting off. She never actually ate the cookie...
All those cookies were so yummy. Thank you Sydney for help make some yummy cookies for us all. I know you will be an excellent baker just like your mom. Thank you for the extra oatmeal and chocolate cookies for me! See you Wed. Night.
Could Sydney be any sweeter?
Hi Jamie and John,
Sydney and Sam are so cute! What a beautiful family you have. So glad you had fun over all the holidays, and I love seeing your pictures. Keep them coming! Sydney licking off all the frosting eyes, cracks me up. Hannah does the same thing. On Joshies' first birthday he licked off the frosting of the cake, didn't touch it, but polished off the ice cream no problem.
Lov eyou guys,
Jim, Julie, Josh, Hannah Peoples
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