Friday, June 27, 2008

Making Rainbows

Sydney was watching the Baby First Channel last week and they were showing how to make rainbows out of cereal. She bugged me for days about buying Froot Loops so we could "make the rainbow project togetter." So, here's how you do it...
What you need: Froot Loops (or generic equivalent), flour and water, cotton balls, Q-tips, construction paper (large size), markers, lots of paper towels and/or wipes to clean up messes and hands

Directions: Use markers to draw a large rainbow on a piece of contruction paper. Separate cereal by color. Mix flour and water together to make paste the consistency of thin oatmeal. Use Q-tips like a paintbrush to apply paste to the color/line of the rainbow that you are working on. Place cereal one at a time on the paste, patting lightly to keep in place. After all the colors are finished, place paste at the end of each side of the rainbow and in a few places in the "sky." Apply cotton balls, pulled slightly apart onto the paste to make clouds.
Note: The paste makes the paper wet, so to prevent the paper from pasting itself to the table, I put some wax paper under the project while it dried.

Above: Sydney pulling cereal apart. I bought generic cereal and later wished that I had just spent the extra money on real Froot Loops. Most of the cereal was stuck in large clumps and we had to try to break them apart without crushing the circles. It added quite a bit of time to the project.

Below: Sydney would sneak cereal into her mouth every so often. She thought she was being so sneaky! This was the first time she had tried this type of cereal and she asked if she could have "Froot Woops" now instead of Cheerios. I told her, "No way!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good job Jamie. We do check your blog.
