We got the kids some Superman/Supergirl capes at Discovery Kingdom. They love to run around the house and make the capes fly behind them.
Notice that Supergirl has pink high heels on to match her cape.
Superman chased and chased and eventually caught Supergirl!
Sydney likes to use pretzel sticks to make herself kitty cat whiskers. Mommy taught her how to use them to look like a walrus, too...they just kept falling out before I could snap the picture!
Sam had three full length pretzel sticks in his mouth and when I asked him to take them out, he just leaned his head, smiled and pretended that they weren't there.
Cousins Maycie and Roah came over last night. The kids had a great time together. They all squeezed into the sandbox and only dumped a few pounds of sand on eachother's head.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Sam: "Ok Nyney."
Syd: "I'll be the queen and you can be my knight in shining armor. Ok, buddy?"
Sam: "Ok Nyney."
Syd: "No, Sam! You call me 'Your Highness,' not Sydney! I'm the queen!"
Sam: "No Nyney!"
Syd: "Now you're in trouble! You're not my knight anymore...now you're the mean witch!"
Sam: "Mmmooommmyyy! Nyney no nice!"
Syd: "Yes my am! He just has to do what my say and then my am a beautiful princess...no, wait...my am a beautiful queen. Right, buddy?"
Sam: "Ugh!" (while he pushes that beautiful queen right down onto her bottom! He then proceeds to run as fast as he can, laughing all the way!)
Syd: "My think he needs to be turned into a frog."
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Discovery Kingdom
We went to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (formerly Marine World) yesterday. This was the kids' first trip to an amusement park and we weren't sure how it would go. But after yesterday's experience, we are already talking about going back in a couple months. They had so much fun! We arrived at the park around 10:15am and didn't leave until about 5:30pm. Syd's only nap was the ten minute walk to the car and Sam slept for about one hour in the middle of the day. They were having so much fun with all the things to do that they never really got the chance to get cranky.
Sydney went on lots of rides, including her all time favorite merry go round. Sam went on some rides, too...he just had to be with one of us since he didn't meet the height requirements. 
The kids liked Butterfly Garden, but they weren't quite sure if they liked all those "bugs" flying around.
Sam cannot sit still. In a 15 minute show, he might actually sit on the bleachers for five minutes. He crawled all over the place and usually ended up sitting where your feet are supposed to go. Note: this confirmed our suspicion that Sam is not ready to go to the movies yet!
Sam took a nap during the Looney Tunes Show.

Sam woke up and was ready for more rides!
Sydney took Daddy and Sam for a safari ride.

The final show of our day was the Killer Whale. Sam liked the big "ish."
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Our Little Ballerina to Be...
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Happy Fourth of July! (The Finale)
Happy Fourth of July! (Part 2)
After the parade, we headed to Ellis Lake to see Grandma Billie (my mom). She was working at the Cardboard Boat Races. We hung out for a while and watched kids build their boats. We weren't able to stay for the races because they interfered too much with nap time. But, that's OK...our trip to the lake held two of the kids' favorite things...lots of dirt and lots of ducks. Sam wanted to go right into the water to see the "Quack Quacks." He got pretty mad when I wouldn't let him get closer, so he sat down on the cement to watch the ducks get fed and would inch forward on his bottom every so often, peeking over his shoulder to see if I had noticed...that little stinker! Sydney pretty much stayed in a big pile of sand/dirt for most of the time...that little girl is definitely not afraid to get dirty.
Happy Fourth of July! (Part 1)
We started off the day by joining in the Fourth of July Children's Parade. We spent quite a while decorating the wagon for the kids to ride in. However, it was quite breezy and the flags kept hitting Sam...so he took matters into his own hands and tore them off! John and I wore some silly, but festive felt hats. You will notice that not one picture of me in one of those hats appears on this blog! But, notice the picture of Sam wearing my hat and pointing his finger like Uncle Sam...I thought that was really funny!
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