Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy Fourth of July! (Part 2)

After the parade, we headed to Ellis Lake to see Grandma Billie (my mom). She was working at the Cardboard Boat Races. We hung out for a while and watched kids build their boats. We weren't able to stay for the races because they interfered too much with nap time. But, that's OK...our trip to the lake held two of the kids' favorite things...lots of dirt and lots of ducks. Sam wanted to go right into the water to see the "Quack Quacks." He got pretty mad when I wouldn't let him get closer, so he sat down on the cement to watch the ducks get fed and would inch forward on his bottom every so often, peeking over his shoulder to see if I had noticed...that little stinker! Sydney pretty much stayed in a big pile of sand/dirt for most of the time...that little girl is definitely not afraid to get dirty.

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