Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Bahamas

We went to the Bahamas for a week at the end of March. My mom moved in and took care of the kids (thanks Mom!!!). We had a nice, relaxing time and really enjoyed spending time alone together...that doesn't happen very often! It was pretty windy most of the time, so we didn't go in the water very often, but the wind kept us from being too hot.
The view from our hotel room.
The house with the orange roof belongs to Michael Jordan and the white one belongs to Oprah Winfrey.
We went on a powerboat to some other outer islands.
We stopped at one island that was inhabited by iguanas. We fed them grapes. It was in interesting experience!
Then, we arrived at an island where we spent the remainder of the day. There were sharks and stingrays everywhere. They had been throwing dead fish into the water to attract them. I got in the water and fed the stingrays. I wasn't very interested in feeding the sharks!
This wild pig lived on the island. It was kind of weird having a pig walk across the beach...

Some views from that island. It was really beautiful...the pictures don't do it justice.

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