Monday, January 5, 2009

Funny Stuff our Kids Do and Say...

(Note: Christmas and New Years pictures coming soon...)

**I was working in the kitchen and turned to find Sydney on all fours, with her bottom in the air. I asked her what she was doing. "My bottom really itches Mommy...I'm waiting for you to scratch it!"

**Sydney: "Mommy, eat me!" (She wanted me to nibble on her.)

**Sam: "Mommy, need cream on my assh." (rash)

**Syd and Sam love to have tea parties with a cute, pink Barbie tea set. They both dress in tutus (Sydney always puts the blue one on Sam, "since he's a boy.") and wear headbands and necklaces. (Yes, Daddy is so proud!) They sip tea, with "lots of cream and sugar so it tastes better." When Sam gets tired of the game, he brushes his arm across the table and sends all the dishes flying. Sydney then gets very "fusterated," and a game of cat and mouse ensues...

1 comment:

Tim, Casey, Landon, and Claire said...

KIDS!!! Love the bottom in the air...that's classic!

I guess Syd and I think alike because when I was little I fell and landed smack on my bum. I ran to Grandma and assumed she would make it all better. Her response, "I don't kiss butts!" Go figure?

Happy New Year Fitch Family!!!