Thursday, August 28, 2008

Conversations with Sydney

Sydney was helping me apply lotion to her body after a bath. She always likes to rub lotion on her tummy. As she was rubbing her tummy she said, "Mommy, when my gets bigger I'm gonna have a baby in my tummy, just like I was in your tummy." I told her she has to grow up, finish college and get married first. Sydney replied, "I'm gonna marry Audrey." I told her she needs to marry a boy, not a girl. She replied, "Ok, then I'll marry Frankie." I told her that she couldn't marry her cousin either. Finally, she said, "Ok, then I'll marry my friend Austin." I told her that would be ok. Then, she said, "Mommy, when I have a baby, I'll be the mommy and you'll be the gramma and Daddy will be the grampa and my husband will be the daddy and I'll be the wife." She said that last sentence with a big, beaming smile, like she had everything all figured out. Watch out Austin! Sydney has plans for you!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Sounds like a good plan, Sydney!

Your kids are so adorable. Loved the video of Sam eating his b-day cake. I thought I could hear Jodie's voice in the background.